Office 2010 - Access

Lesson 42: Creating a Form

42/76 Lessons 

Creating a form

In “Access” 2010, there are a number of new features for organizing and formatting the form. The easiest way to change layout and design of our forms is, in the “Layout View”.
As an example I created a form of the “Students” table using the “Form” button in the “Ribbon”.

This places all the fields and their labels from the table and the related table in our form.
Then select “Layout View” in the “Ribbon” (1). This gives us three contextual tabs (2). “Design”, “Arrange” and “Format”.


Let me start with the “Design” tab first. As in all other applications of “Office” 2010, we have a number of themes in “Access” 2010 as well. At the click of a mouse, we now have access to a whole host of professionally designed themes which may significantly change the design of your form or report. A theme consists of 2 parts: a “Colors” palette and “Fonts”. To apply a theme, click the “Themes” (1), in the left of the “Ribbon”. When the mouse pointer moves over the various themes (2), a preview of the form (3) is automatically displayed. Click the theme you are satisfied with.


To modify a theme, click one of the two adjacent buttons, “Colors” or “Fonts”. For those who do not know, “Fonts” represents letter types. Clicking on the “Create New Theme Colors” at the bottom of the drop-down menu of the “Colors” opens the dialog “Create New Theme Colors” where you put the different colors for different options. When you are ready and give a name to your theme, click the “Save” button. The next time you return to the “Themes” button, you will see the newly created theme at the top of the drop-down menu.

Same goes for the “Fonts”. This opens a dialog where we choose a font for the header and a font for body text. This will also appear at the top of the list appear when you return after clicking the “save” button.


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