Office 2010 - Access

Lesson 69: Exporting Data from Access

69/76 Lessons 

To an Excel file

Exporting your data from an “Access” database to an “Excel” worksheet is easy. Select the “External Data” tab in the “Ribbon”, then select the object in the “Navigation pane” that you want to export and click the “Excel” button in the “Export” group of the “Ribbon”.

This opens the “Get External Data” dialog. In the first box, determine where you want to save the file.

Click the “Browse” button and navigate to the location on your computer where you want to save the file.

In the second box, you determine the file format in which you want to save the file. By default, this is set to an “Excel” 2010 file (.xlsx) but, you can change it to an earlier version of “Excel” by clicking the downward pointing arrow button.

You can choose the data layout and format to export. You do not have to select, but when you do, you get the second option.
The third option is available only when the object is opened and when records are selected in this object.
Click the OK button when you’re done.


Your ‘Excel” document is created.


To a Word file

We just need to do the same.
Click “External Data” Tab in the “Ribbon”.
Then, select the object in the “Navigation pane”.
Click the “More” button in the “Export” group.
Choose “Word” in the drop-down menu.

This also opens this “Export RTF file” dialog. In the first box, you determine where you want to save the file.
Click the “Browse” button and navigate to the location on your computer, where you want to save the file.
Here we do not have the option of formatting the data with layout options.
The third option is available only when the object is opened and when records or columns are selected in this object (A).



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