Drawing in “Flash”

In “Flash” we have a number of drawing tools with which we can draw shapes and lines.

Whatever we draw can be fitted with an animation when we use it in conjunction with the timeline.

There are two different types of signs.

We have the “Merged signs” and “Object Drawing”.

The “Merged signs” are unique to “Flash” and the “Object Drawing” works with other drawing applications like “Illustrator”, “Fireworks” and “Photoshop”.

It is important to know the difference between the two different character modes.

I will discuss both in this lesson.


“Merge signs”

The “Merge signs” is the default mode that “Flash” will use in your form.

When you sign two forms that overlap in the same “Layer” in the “Merge signs” mode, and you move one of these forms, it will be cut from the top of the other form.

Or if you are working with a part of an aggregated form with selection tool and select your moves with these same tools, then this selection will be cut from the mold.

Or when you draw a line in your “Aggregate form” so that it is divided into two parts, you can also share it by separating with the selection tool.

Conclusion: When you draw in the “Merge signs” mode it is easy to form a complex of a standard shape.

A tip: If you work with aggregated form where you do not want this kind of change by combining another form, place it on different “Layers”.

“Object Drawing”

After the drawing tool is selected, the first thing you should do if you want to draw an object is, to click “Object Drawing mode” button at the bottom of the toolbar.

Then click and drag in the drawing area, click where you want to place the object.

This is also called a “Drawing object”.

As you notice, in a form, a drawing object is surrounded by a rectangular frame.

So you already know that you’re dealing with an object and not an “Aggregate form”.

A second way you can format it is in the “Properties window”, which lists the top “Text Object”. Where, when a drawing was merged, the name of the form is practiced. For example, ‘Rectangle’, or ‘Oval’ (see first photo on this page).

The advantage of “Object drawing” is that every form is considered as a separate object, and that these can move (1) without the appearance of these changes (2), although they are together on the same “Layer”.

If you wish to use a “Drawing object” in a merged form, right-click it and choose “Split” in the drop-down menu.
To change a “Drawing object” in an “Aggregate form”, first select the “Aggregate form”, click the “Modify” button in the menu bar, choose “Objects combine” in the drop-down menu and click the “Association”.

If you have different “Drawing objects” on a “Layer”, you can rank the changes by right-clicking, selecting “Arrange” in the drop-down menu and clicking the choice from among “Forward”, “To back”, “Send to Back” or “Bring to Front”.

The last two options make the “Drawing object” come in front or go right behind all objects while the first two options transfer the “Drawing object” one step forward or backward.

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