The line segment

To draw lines, we have some tools.

All these tools can be found under “Line Segment” in the tool bar.

I have the whole set of different lines detached from the tool bar.

The first is the “Line Segment” (1), the second is the “Arc” (2), the third is the “Spiral” (3), the fourth is the “Rectangular Grid” (4) and the fifth is the “Polar Grid” (5).

I’ll try to explain how and what you draw with these different line tools.

The first thing we do when we draw a line is to set the line color option in the options bar (A) or in the “Color” panel (C) and the line width (B).

We will start with the most simple, the “Line Segment” tool.

With the “Line Segment” tool we draw a straight line. Anyone can draw a straight line you would think and that’s true. Yet there are some remedies that you will certainly not remember.


To draw a line, place the cursor at the position where the line should begin and
drag the pointer to where the line should end.

If you however wish to draw a line with the correct dimensions and in the right corner, double click the “line segment” in the toolbar and you give the length and angle in the dialog that appears (D).


Like any shape you draw in Illustrator, a line is also from anchor points (E).

If you wish a perfect horizontal, vertical or at an angle of 45 line to draw, hold the shift key on your keyboard while you drag.
If you want to draw a line from the center, you will hold the Alt key on your keyboard while you drag.
If you wish to change the position of the line while you are drawing, hold the spacebar on your keyboard pressed. Release the button when you want to continue drawing.



The next line tool is the “Arc”.

With the “Arc” tool, we draw concave or convex curve segments.

To draw the curve, click and drag the document from one corner to the opposite corner. Depending on which direction you want to go.

When you draw with the “Arc” tool, draw a quarter of a standard ellipse (1).
However, if you wish to draw a quarter of a circle (2), hold the Shift key on your keyboard pressed.

If you want to draw an arc from the center, you will hold the Alt key on your keyboard while you drag.
If you wish to draw a quarter of a circle from the center, hold the Shift key plus the Alt key on your keyboard pressed.

If you wish to rotate the direction of the arc you are drawing, hold the F key on your keyboard while you draw (3).

If you wish to draw an arc to close (4), hold the C key on your keyboard pressed while you draw. If you do not wish to close the arc the next time you draw an arc, re-click the C key on your keyboard.
If you however wish to draw an arc with the correct lengths and slopes, double click the “Arc” in the toolbar and give the options in the dialog that appears (5).



The next line tool is the “Spiral”.

As with the arc, click and drag the document from one corner to the opposite corner. Depending on which direction you want to go.

If you want to draw a spiral with the correct options, select the tool and click anywhere in the document.
Specify the desired options in the dialog box that appears.

If you have too much “curl” in your mesh, click the down arrow key on your keyboard. If you have too few, click the up arrow on your keyboard.

A spiral is indeed different segments (arcs). By reducing these segments you reduce the number of “curls”. And vice versa of course.

With the box “Decay” you determine the spacing between the lines in the spiral.
To get the “Decay” to control when you draw, hold the Ctrl key on your keyboard pressed.


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