Office 2010 - Excel

Lesson 65: “Pivot Tables” (12)

65/87 Lessons 

‘Refresh” Data

When we change data in our table on which our “Pivot Table” is based, we need to manually update the “Pivot Table”. This does not happen automatically. By selecting the “Options” tab, in the “Pivot Table Tools” and clicking the “Refresh” button, we can achieve this.

If your “Pivot Table” is based on an external database, we have some options. Click the “Options” button in the “Options” tab, in the “Pivot Table Tools”. In the “Pivot Table Options” dialog that appears in the “Data” tab, check the box for the text “Refresh data when opening the file” and click OK.

This will automatically refresh the “Pivot Table” when we open it.


When we work a lot with external data for our “Pivot Table”, we can set “Pivot Table” so that it can be refreshed after certain time intervals. For this, select the “Data”tab in the “Ribbon” and click the “Connections”. In the “Workbook Connections”, click the “Properties” button. Next, check the box for the “Refresh every” and enter the number of minutes in the textbox. You also have the “Refresh data when opening the file” option. Click OK when you’re done.

Data from an item in detail

A “Pivot Table” is a summary of data. Click on the “+/- Buttons ” (1) in the “Options” tab of the “Pivot Table Tools”.

We put “+” and “-” characters for the fields placed in the “Row Labels” area .

Clicking on these characters, we can view the details of a field or hide them. If you wish to show the data of one field at a time to unfold, double-click that field.

Another way to view the details of fields is by right-clicking on the field and selecting “Disable or collapse.”

In the submenu that appears, we have a choice of options all of which are quite clear.


Data from a cell in detail

Every cell in our “Pivot Table” is a summary of several rows from a database or table.

To see the details of a cell in our “Pivot Table”, we double-click this cell.

This gives every detail in a new “Worksheet” from which this cell has been formatted.


If you no longer need this information, you can delete the new “Worksheet”. Right-click the new “Worksheet” tab and select “Delete”.


To disable this option, select the “Options” tab in the “Ribbon” and click the “Options” button.

This opens the “Options” dialog where we uncheck the “View details on.” in the “Data” tab .

Click OK.


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