Office 2010 - Excel

Lesson 84: Printing “Worksheets” (2)

84/87 Lessons 

Insert / Delete “Page break”

“Excel” inserts “Page breaks” in your “Worksheet”, depending on the settings you entered in the “Print Preview” window or in the “Ribbon”.

These default “Page Breaks” are unlikely to be where we want them.

As an example, I have several “Spreadsheets” from the previous lesson, all in one “Worksheet” and as you notice in the preview (1), “Page break” are inserted automatically in the right place.

So, in the “Worksheet”, you will see that the “Page Breaks” are indicated by a black dotted line (2).


To change the placement of page breaks, we need to do it in the “Worksheet” and not in “Print Preview”.
So if you are in the preview , close it by selecting another tab in the “Ribbon”. The best tab to choose is the “Page Layout” tab.

To move the “Page Break”, first select the cell (1) above which you want to place the “Page Break”.
You then click the downward pointing arrow under “Breaks” (2) and select “Insert Page Break” (3) in the drop-down menu.
This places the “Page Break” above the selected cell (4).


If you want to delete a “Page Break”, select the cell below the “Page Break”, click the downward pointing arrow under “Breaks” (2) again and choose “Remove Page break ” in the drop- down menu.


“Headers” and “Footers”

To add “Headers and Footers” to each page, you have several options.

The first possibility is the “Print Titles” button in the “Ribbon” under the tab “Page Layout”.

This opens the “Page Setup” dialog where the “Sheet” tab is selected. Here you can enter a row from the “Worksheet” that is repeatedly printed on each sheet.

If you wish to add a Header” and / or a “Footer”, select the “Header / Footer tab. In the “Header” and “Footer” box, you can click on the arrow pointing downward to include the page number and the “Worksheet” name to appear on each page.

A more elaborate feature is the “Custom Header” or “Custom Footer” button.

This opens a new dialog where you can go through the various buttons to format “Header/Footer” text (1), add a page number (2), add a “Date” (3) and add a logo (4).

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