Office 2010 - Excel

Lesson 87: “Excel” and “Word”

87/87 Lessons 

“Copy” and “Paste” as link

When we copy data from an “Excel” file to a “Word” document as a link, the copied data will be updated when we change the “Excel” file.

To copy data as a link from an “Excel” file we first select the “Range” in “Excel”. Then we click the “Copy” button or click Ctrl C on our keyboard.

Next we open the “Word” document and click the downward pointing arrow under “Paste”.

In the pop-up menu, choose the third option “Link and keep source formatting” or the fourth option “Link and keep destination styles”.


The information entered into the “Word” document is now linked with our “Excel file”, which means that any change that we make in the “Excel” file will also be reflected in our “Word” document.


Importing a text file in “Excel”

“Excel” allows us to import data from “Word”.

As an example, I have a “Word” document with a list of several members. Later I realize that this list is better made in “Excel”.

Do I have to retype everything? No.

We can copy all of the data to “Excel”.

In order to do this, we must save the “Word” document as text. So click the “File” button in your “Word” document, and click “Save as …” the drop-down menu. Save the file as “plain text” or “.txt” file.

Open the “Excel” file and click the “From text” button in the “Ribbon” under the “Data” tab.

In the dialog that appears, navigate to the newly saved txt file, select it and you click the “Import” button.
This launches the “Import Text File” wizard.
In the first step of the Wizard, the “Delimited” box is already selected, so we need to only click the “Next” button.

In step 2 of the Wizard, I select the checkbox “Comma”. In this case it is a nice bonus if my data in the “Word” document were separated with a comma. If this is not the case, you can give a different delimiter, or select “Other”.
Click the “Next” button.


And in the last step, step three, click the “Finish” button.


In the next window, give the information where you want to put the data in Excel, and click the OK button.

This places the data from the “Word” document in different cells in the “Excel” file, without even typing a letter.


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