Office 2010 - Access

Lesson 65: Creating PivotCharts

65/76 Lessons 

Create a PivotChart

Just as a “PivotTable”, a “PivotChart” shows us detailed information to manipulate, but in a visual way. You can create a “PivotChart” from a table, query, or formm but usually this is a query.

For this example, I use the “Sold goods by category” query in the “Northwind” database. First open the object in the “Navigation pane”, in this case the “Sold goods by category” query, for which you want to make a “PivotChart”.

Click the downward-pointing arrow below the “View” button in the “Ribbon” and click the “Pivot Chart View” option.

This shows us a blank “PivotTable” with a field list and some “Drop Zones”.
If you do not see the field list, click the “Field List” toggle button in the “Ribbon”.
In order to create a “PivotChart”, drag the fields from the field list to the “Drop Zones”.

Note that the fields that are used in the “PivotChart” will be displayed BOLD in the field list.

Once all fields are added to the “PivotChart”, you can hide field list by clicking the “Field List” toggle button in the “Ribbon”.

As in a “PivotTable”, in a “PivotChart” also, we can click and drag data from the various “Drop Zones” to another area. Just like in a “PivotTable”, we can filter the data in a “PivotChart” by clicking the black arrow pointing down next to the field name.

To add a title, we need to open the “Properties window”.les65_image004_en

Just click the “Property Sheet” button in the “Ribbon” and in the “General” tab click the “Add Title” button.

Once the title is added to the “PivotTable”, you select it in the “PivotChart” and open the “Properties window”.

Under the “Format” tab, type a title in the lower textbox.
les65_image005_enAlternatively you can change the position, font, and layout of the title.

Under the “Cell Format”, you can then set the color for background and border.

Under the “General” tab you can choose another object when you click the downward pointing arrow next to the “Select” box.

This way, you can see the formatting for all objects in the “PivotTable” . There are so many settings, it is impossible to describe all of them so the best thing you can do when you have some time is try them all out.

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