Office 2010 - Excel

Lesson 43: Some more Functions (3)

43/87 Lessons 


The “SUMIF” function adds contents of cells together if they satisfy a certain condition.

An example:

I want to know the number of units sold per product.

I’m going to do this using the “Function wizard” and so I click the “Insert Function” button to the left of the “Formula bar”.

We choose the “SUMIF” function from the list, and click OK

In the first dialog box, we specify the range in which all products sold are listed.
In the second dialog box, we mention the condition to be met, in this case cell D4
In the third box, we specify the “Range” which lists the amounts of products sold.

Click OK when done.


If you want to copy the “Formula” down the list, you need to make “Absolute cell reference” for all cells with the exception of cell D4.

The cells will be automatically adjusted when we copy this “Formula” down.



I previously mentioned merging text. There also exists a function for this. The “CONCATENATE” function allows us to merge text from different cells.

To merge text from different cells, we first choose an empty cell then click the downward pointing arrow next to “Text” in the “Formulas” tab in the “Ribbon”.


This opens a drop-down menu where you choose “CONCATENATE”.

In the dialog that appears, enter the cell reference you want to use for your first text and put in the first box.

Select the second box and type a space.

This inserts a space between the various texts we merge.

In the third box you specify the cell reference of the second text.


Click OK.

The text of cell D4 is now merged with the text of cell C4, all displayed in cell E4

Double-click the fill handle (1) if you want to copy this “Formula” to the underlying cells.

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