Recording Information in the “Journal”

The “Journal” is a useful tool to keep a tab on all the work we have done. For example, we record when certain documents are made, to whom and when we have sent an e-mail and we can even record phone calls.  We can, automatically or manually, record these actions in the “Journal”.

To record information in the “Journal”, automatically, we go to the background view, and select “Options.”

In the “Notes and Journal” tab click on the “Journal Options” button.


In the “Journal Options” dialog box, under the “Automatically record these items” section, select the items that you want to record automatically. (1).  You can also update the “For these contacts” (2) section, and the “Also record files from” section for obtaining information from other Office applications (3).

Click OK .

And then click OK in the “Options” dialog box.


To include an “Outlook” item manually, click on the arrow pointing downwards below the “New Items” button in the “Ribbon”.
Select “More items” from the drop-down menu. Then click “Journal Entry”.

This opens the “Journal” entry: In the “Subject” text box, enter the subject.

In the second text box, select the type of item type that you want to record.

You can also enter the “Company” name. Enter a “Start time “, and ” Duration “.

Click the “Save and Close” button when you’re done.


This item is now included in our “Journal” (A).
If you can not see the “Journal”, click the arrow pointing downwards at the bottom “Navigation pane” (1) and Select “Add or Remove Buttons” and click “”Journal””. The “History” appears in the “Navigation pane” (2).

To record the file of any other application other than “Outlook”, such as an “Excel” file, open the folder where the file is located and drag it into the logbook of “Outlook”.


This also opens the “Journal” entry with the same options we saw in the previous part of this lesson, wherein the file is added.
If you have the customized the options in this window according to your needs, click the “Save and Close” button in the “Ribbon”.


As you can see, in the image below, are two newly added items recorded in the “Journal”.

You've completed Lesson 27