Office 2010 - PowerPoint

Lesson 31: “Screenshot”

31/59 Lessons 

Add “Screenshot”

What’s new in “PowerPoint” 2010 is that, you can quickly and easily add a “Screenshot” to a “PowerPoint” slide. To do this, you need not exit the program. This feature allows you to take an image of open windows on your computer.

The only requirement is that the software that you want to make a “Screenshot” with, has to be opened.

Choose the “Insert” tab and click the “Screenshot” button in the “Ribbon”.
This opens a list of all softwares that are open.
Click the one which you want to make a “Screenshot” of.


The screen is immediately added to your presentation.
You can resize the “Screenshot” by using the blocks on the edge of the image (1).
You can place the image into the background with the “Send Backward” button (2) if the “Screenshot” overlaps with parts of another object in the presentation.
But more about image editing in a later lesson.


Now, I can imagine that you do not have the entire screen of the application, but only a part.

No problem. Then choose “PrtSc” (Print Screen) on your keyboard when software is opened.
The only requirement here is that, the software for which you want to capture the screen, has to be just behind the “PowerPoint” presentation.

An example makes this clear.

I want a “Screenshot” of a portion of the “” site

The first thing you do is, select your browser in the taskbar.

Then you select the “PowerPoint” application in the taskbar.

You choose the “Insert” tab.

Click the “Screenshot” button and choose “Screen Clipping” at the bottom of the list.


This displays the window in “PowerPoint”. In this case of my browser.
Click and drag over the portion of the window that you want to capture a “Screenshot” of.



Release the mouse pointer, and the “Screenshot” will be added to your presentation


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