Office 2010 - PowerPoint

Lesson 33: “Picture” (1)

33/59 Lessons 

Insert “Picture” and background

To add a “Picture”, choose the “Picture” button in the “Insert” tab in the “Ribbon”.

Or click the “Picture” icon in the “Placeholder box”.

This opens the “Insert Picture” dialog.
Navigate in the dialog to the file you want to insert and double-click the file.

This places the image in the slide.

The “Format” contextual tab appears in the “Ribbon”.
I will not dicuss all the different formatting options, as this seems impossible.
But I do want to give an example.
The first thing I do is, set the image as the background.
For this, I click the “Send Backward” button in the “Ribbon”.
Or something quicker is to click the downward pointing arrow next to this button and choose “Send to Back.”


“Crop” Image

The first thing I’ll do to “Crop” the image to get rid of excess part.

With the image selected and the “Format” tab still selected, click the “Crop” button.
Click and drag to “Crop” (1) that part of the picture frame.
What’s new in “PowerPoint” 2010 is that you can move the picture in the “Screen Clipping” frame.
You should try it, place the cursor in the picture, then click and drag, you’ll see what I mean.
When you are ready, click anywhere outside the image.


“Picture Styles”

Then I copy my professor, and place him on the book.  The quickest way is, clicking and dragging the professor while the Ctrl key on your keyboard is pressed.  I then apply a style (2) to ensure the copy as though it seems that a picture is on the book. Lets do what you want.


Adding and formatting text

Then we add some text to the book.
Select this “Insert” tab and click the “Text box” button in the “Ribbon”.
Click and drag in the slide where you want the text box and type in your text.


Then we format the text on the options under the “Home” tab.
A handwritten font and bullets seem sufficient to me .


Then I add a text box on the left page of the book.


We will continue in the next lesson.

You've completed Lesson 33