Office 2010 - PowerPoint

Lesson 45: Hidden Objects

45/59 Lessons 

Question and answer

Like a slide, we can hide an object in the slide which will only be displayed when a button is clicked.

As an example, I ask a question (1) at the end of the presentation.
If answered correctly, they are taken to the next slide (2) and if they answer wrong, the text balloon (3) appears.

What do I need to do?
I have two “Shapes” for the different answers. And we will later make the buttons (A and B).
I have a text balloon (3) in which the text that should appear only when we are given wrong answer.
Then I have a hidden slide, (2) which is going to be shown when they have answered correctly.


The first thing I do is, add the action when the correct button is clicked. You have already seen how we do that in the previous lesson, but I will explain it here again.
So I select the shape for the answer which is “” (A), select the “Insert” tab and click the “Action” button.
This opens the “Action Settings” dialog where we choose the “Slide …” in the “Hyperlink to:” in the drop down box.
In the next dialog box that appears, select the hidden slide that we have recently added.
Click the OK button twice to close both dialog boxes.


Then I select the text balloon (1), select the “Animation (2) tab, click the ” Add Animation ” button (3) and choose the animation as “Appear ” (4).

With the balloon text still selected, click the “Trigger” (1) in the “Ribbon”.
You choose the “On click” (2) option and click the object, in this case it is “Rounded Rectangle 7” (3) on which the action is to be performed.


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