Office 2010 - Word

Lesson 5: Introduction to Word 2010 (5)

5/66 Lessons 

The “Backstage” display (2)

The next tab in the “Backstage” view is the “New” tab. Under the “New” tab, we have the option of creating a new blank workbook, or choose from a template.

To start, select a template by clicking the “Sample Template” (1) button and, you can choose from templates supplied by Word or, if you are connected to the Internet, you can download templates from the website (2 ).

If you want to start with a blank workbook, click the “Blank Document” (3) button. When you open Word, a new document will always open.


The next tab is the “Print” tab.  In the middle column (1) of the “Print” tab, we specify the options for printing, such as the orientation, number and size. All these options are quite obvious.

On the right side of the tab you’ll see a preview (2).
The shortcut to open the “Print” tab, to print a file is, “Ctrl + P”.
Remember this, then you won’t have to always navigate to the “Backstage” view.



The next tab is the “Save and Send” tab.  In the tab “Save and Send” tab, we can send the file via e-mail or fax. You can save the file on the Internet and save it in Sharepoint.

You can also change the file type. This is useful when your colleagues are using an older version of Word. You can save the file in pdf format.


The last tab is the “Help” tab.  All headings in this tab are self explanitory but, the “Options” button (1) is a bit more extensive and will be discussed in the next lesson.  To view the Ribbon and close the “Backstage” view, click any tab in the Ribbon (2), or press the “Esc key” on your keyboard.


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