Office 2010 - Word

Lesson 58: Citations & Bibliography (1)

58/66 Lessons 

Bibliography style:

For those who regularly cite sources in their documents, Microsoft has the “Citations & Bibliography” added to Word.

To add quotes to our document, we must set the bibliography style.
To select a style, click the arrow pointing downwards, next to the “Style” text box under the “References” tab in the ribbon.

This opens a drop-down menu with different styles and, you can click the style you want.
In this example, I select the APA style.
If there are quotes that are already inserted in your document, its format will be automatically adjusted to the selected style.

Adding a new source

To create a new source, while you insert a quote in your document, first select the location in your document where you want the quote.  Then click the “Insert Citation” button under the “References” tab in the ribbon, and select “Add New Source” from the drop-down list.

This opens the “Create Source” dialog box.

At the top of the box select the type of your source.
Click the downward pointing arrow to see the various types.

Depending on what you have selected here, the input fields will change accordingly.

Select the “Show All Bibliography Fields” check box, when you want to enter more information.

When the fields are filled, click the OK button in the dialog box.
This adds the quote to our document and, adds it to the gallery and, you will notice this when you click the “Insert Citation” button, again.


Using an Existing source:

It will, sometimes, occur that a source must be used repeatedly, in a document.
To do this, first place your cursor at the location in your document where you want to insert the citation.
Click the “Insert Citation” button under the “References” tab in the ribbon.
A list of the various sources that have already been created is displayed above the three options in the drop-down list.
Click the source that you want to insert in your document.

Resource Manager:

The resources that we have created in our document are added to the “Source Manager” list.
This list not only manages the resources that we have just created, but also sources that we had previously created in previous documents.
To view this list, click the “Manage Sources” button under the “References” tab in the ribbon.
This opens the “Source Manager” dialog box:

In the window on the left, we find all the available sources.
In the window on the right, we find the sources used in the document.

Note that on the right, the sources are marked with a checkmark, and a placeholder (about which we’ll learn more later) with a question mark.

In the “Source Manager” we can find some sources on the Author, the year, etc. This is useful if your list is long.
Enter the text in the “Preview” text box, and the list on the right will immediately adjust itself.
We also have the “Copy”, “Delete”, “Edit” and “New” buttons.
To copy a source from the “Master list” to the “Current List”, select it in the right column, and click the “Copy” button.

The rest of the buttons and how to insert a “Placeholder”, are discussed in the next lesson.

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