
We have a number of tools in “Flash” that can help us to align the different objects in the drawing area.

The first is the “Grid”.

To see the “Grid”, you can click “View” in the menu bar, select “Grid” in the drop-down menu and click “Show Grid”.

To see the “Ruler”, click “View” in the menu bar and choose “Rulers” in the drop-down menu.

To add “Guides” to your drawing area, right-click the mouse in a “Ruler” and drag the mouse pointer to the location in your drawing area where you’d like to have it.

You can add as many “Guides” as you want.

To remove a “Guide”, drag it back into the “Ruler”.

To remove all “Guides”, click “View” in the menu bar, select “Guides” in the drop-down menu, and click “Remove Guides”.

To remove the “Grid”, click “View” in the menu bar, select “Grid” in the drop-down menu and click “Show Grid”

The option “Show Grid” is a toggle button, which means that if you click this when the “Grid” is displayed, this will hide the “Grid”, and if you click the “Grid” when the “Grid” is hidden, it will show.


Options “Grid” and “Guides”

If you wish to change the “Grid” options, click the “View” button in the menu bar, select “Grid” in the drop-down menu, and click “Edit Grid”.

All of these options are self explanatory and need no further explanation.

Click the OK button when you’re done.

If you wish to change the options for the “Guides”, click the “View” button in the menu bar, select “Guides” in the drop-down menu, and click “Edit Guides.”  This opens the “Guides” dialog in which we can set some options.

Maybe just this: If you want to keep these settings for other “Flash” movies you make, click the “Save Default” button.


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