Office 2007 - Access

Lesson 17: Relationships (cont 2…)

17/72 Lessons 

Print “Relationships”

To print the “Relationships” as they appear in the “Relationship” window, click the “Relationship Report” button in the “Relationship Tools” tab in the “Ribbon”.

When this button is clicked, the report is displayed in “Print Preview”.

We then have all the options that we also find in a preview of any other application of “Office 2007” in the “Ribbon”.
Among other options we have “Format”, “Zoom” Save as PDF, etc…

To print the “Relationships”, click the “Print” button.

When the “Print Preview” window is closed by pressing the “Close Print Preview” button, this brings you into the “Design view” of the “Report” (More about reports in a later lesson).

To save the “Report”, right-click the “report1” tab.
In the drop-down menu choose “Save” (1).
In the dialog that appears (2) give a name for your report, and click the OK button.

This “Report” is added to the “Reports” objects group in the navigation panel on the left of the application window.

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