Office 2007 - Access

Lesson 33: Forms

33/72 Lessons 

The simplest way

A “Form” is a database object that you can use to enter, edit or display data from a table or query.

The simplest way to create a “Form” is to select the table (1) or query in the “Navigation Panel” and click on the “Form” (2) in the “Ribbon”.

“Access” creates a form with all fields from the selected table or query.  The form is shown  in “Layout View”, which allows us to change the layout of the “Form” while we view the data.  We will discuss more about the “Layout View” in the next section of this lesson.

Click the “Save” button in the “Quick Access” toolbar and give the “Form” an appropriate name and click OK.
Right-click the tab of the “Form” you just saved and select “Form View” in the drop-down menu.
Now you can edit, add and delete records.

Other than this :
When you create a “Form” in this way on the basis of a table which is related to another table, the related table is displayed at the bottom of the “Form”.
Thus in the example below, the related “Orders” table “Form” is displayed under the “Customers” and the orders in this depend upon the customer selected in the “Form”.

By clicking on the navigation buttons on the “Orders” table, we can navigate between the different orders for the selected customer.
By clicking on the navigation buttons of the “Customers” “Form”, we can navigate between the different customers.
By clicking on the “New (blank) record” button at the bottom of the “Orders” table, it gives you the option to add the orders for the customer selected in the “Form”.

By clicking on the “New (blank) record” button at the bottom of the “Customers” “Form”, you have the option to add a new customer.  Obviously, this new customer will not yet have orders in the “Orders” table.

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