Office 2007 - Access

Lesson 41:Toggle and Tab Order

41/72 Lessons 

“Toggle Button” – “Checkbox” – “Radio button”

The “Toggle button”, “Check box”, “Radio button” have only two options.
First, open the “Form” in “Design View” and click the “Control” in the “Ribbon” under “Design” contextual tab.

Click on the place in the “Form” where you wish to add.
Open the “Properties window” by pressing the “Property Sheet” button in the “Ribbon”.

In the “Properties window” in the “Controls” you select the field where you want to store the data. So, select this field, then click the downward pointing arrow that appears.

Select the box where you want to store the data. In this case, this is the “Backorder” field.

In the “Default” you can still enter something if this “Control” is to be selected by default. “Yes” means selected, “No” means not selected.

“Multiple Items” in “Form”

We can view all records on the “Form” at once by typing “multiple items” .
First select the table in the “Navigation Pane”, select the “Create” tab in the “Ribbon” and click the “Multiple Items” button. The “Form” opens in “Layout View”.

Making your formatting changes in “Design View” will apply for each row.

For example, you make all fields bold in “Design View”, this will be applied to each row in “Form View”.

“Tab Order”

When you manually create a “Form”, it may not necessarily be in correct sequence for entering fields and / or values.
For this, we use the “Tab Order”.
To do this, first open the “Form” in “Design View”.
Choose the “Arrange” tab and click the “Tab Order”.

This opens the “Tab Order” dialog.

In the dialog box, first select the field that you want to change the “Tab order”.

Place the cursor over the grey area next to the field name and click and drag to the desired position.

Click the OK button when you’re done.

This list is also a good example why you need to  give appropriate names to the various controls.  Otherwise you get names of fields such as “Combo 48” and there is no way to know what is what.  So take my advice and give your control an appropriate name.

If you do forget, you can still do this in the “Properties Window” under the “Other” tab in the “Name” field.

But first, select the “Control”.
But I am sure, you already know that.

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