Office 2007 - Access

Lesson 50: Sorting Reports

50/72 Lessons 

“Layout View”

We can also use the “Layout View” for creating “Reports” .
First, select the “Table” in the “Navigation pane” that you want to make a “Report” for and click the “Blank Report” button under the “Create” tab in the “Ribbon”.

The list of available fields for the table you have selected appear on the right side of the window.
Click and drag, or double-click the field that you want to add to your “Report”.
By default, the records are displayed in the “Table Template” format.

If you want to change this to the classic “Stacked” format, then first select all fields in the “Report” and click the four-part arrow at the top left of the leftmost column.
Choose “Arrange” tab in the “Ribbon” and click the “Table Template” button.

Sorting Fields

When you create a “Report”, the records are displayed in the order that you have entered them in your “Table”.
You have the ability to sort fields in “Layout View” and “Design View”.
In this example I’m sorting the fields in “Layout View”.
Click the “Grouping and Sorting” button under the “Format” tab in the “Ribbon”.
This opens the “Group, sorting and calculating total” field at the bottom of the window.

Click the “Add a sort” button.
A drop-down list of the fields in our “Report” are displayed.

Click the field that you want to sort, in this example I sort on the “Subject” field.

Since the sorting is done in “Layout View”, you see the results immediately.
By default it will run from A to Z, or Ascending when you sort on a column of numbers.
If you want to reverse the sort, click the downward pointing arrow next to the “With A on Top” and choose the other option.
When sorting a numeric field, it is of course “Low to high” or vice versa.

If you want to sort on different fields, click the “Add a sort” button.
If you want to change the order of sorting, click and drag the control lever of the respective field to the desired position. Or else, select the field and click the upward or downward pointing arrow.
If you want to remove a field from sort, select it and click the button with the cross (X).

Save your “Report” when you’re done.

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