Office 2007 - Access

Lesson 51: Grouping Fields and Footers

51/72 Lessons 

Group Fields

We can group information in our “Report” to display the data clearly .
A group distinguishes the data in our “Report” with a “Header” and sometimes with a “Footer”.
We make groups in “Design View” or “Layout View”.
In this example I choose “Layout View”.
Under the “Format” tab, click the “Grouping and Sorting” button.
This opens the “Grouping, sorting and calculating total” field at the bottom of the window.

Click the “Add Group” button.
A drop-down list of the fields in our “Report” is displayed.

Click the field that you want to group on, in this example I want to group on the “Subject” field.

Immediately, the layout of the “Report” changes accordingly.
The “Subject” field is placed at the far left of the “Report” and each different value of this field appears as a “Group header”.

The group can also be the sorted on its values from A to Z or vice versa.

If you want to group by multiple fields, click the “Add Group” button.

If you want to change the order of grouping, click and drag the control lever of the respective field to the desired position.
Or select the field and click the upward or downward pointing arrows. If you want to delete a group, select it and click the button with the cross (X).

“Group footer”

We can have a “Group footer” with each group.

For example if I want to know the total salary for all teachers of each subject, select the “Layout View” and click the “Group & Sort” button in the ribbon.
This reopens the “Group, sort and total” section at the bottom of the window.
Click the “More” button.

This gives us several options that we can set.
Click on the second line, the downward pointing arrow next to the footer option and choose “With a footer section” in the drop-down menu.

Then you have to decide what comes in this “Group Footer” section.
In the top row, click on down pointing arrow next to the “With no totals.”
In the pop-up window that appears, choose the top box in the field that you want to calculate the totals for.
In the second box choose the “Type” of the operation, in this case, the “sum”.
And in the lower part of the pop-up window, choose the place in your document where you want to display this operation. In this case, the “Group Footer”.

Now, when you switch to “Report View”, you see that a total is inserted for each subject.

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