Office 2007 - Access

Lesson 60: Charts (cont…)

60/72 Lessons 


To modify a “Chart” in a form or report, double-click it in “Form view” or “Design view”. This brings you into the “Microsoft Chart” display. You can see the two toolbars that replace the “Ribbon” and the navigation window that has gone to the left of the window. By default, the data sheet is shown above the “Chart” but, you can move it by clicking and dragging the title bar.

When we change data in the datasheet, it is immediately updated in the “Chart”.
To hide the datasheet, click the “Datasheet View” button. The “Datasheet View” button is a toggle button, in other words, when we click it, it will show the datasheet again.

When the whole “Chart” is selected, we have a number of formatting options.

For example we have the buttons “by row” and “by column” thatnshow us the data by row or by column. In other words, the columns will be rows and the rows will be columns.
You have the “Table” toggle button which adds a data table below the “Chart”.
You have the “Chart Type”, which when clicked, opens a drop-down menu where you can choose another type of “Chart”.
You have buttons to add “Grid lines”, both for the “Category axis” as well as the “Value axis”.
We also have the “Legend” toggle button that we can use to show or hide a “Legend”.
We also have a button to hide or show the drawing toolbar.

And finally we have the “Fill Color”, to set the background color of the “Chart”.

When we click the downward pointing arrow next to the “Chart Objects” box, we get a list of all objects from our “Chart”.
To see an object, you have to select it first. You can do this in the “Chart” itself, but my experience teaches me that it’s easier to do this in “Chart Objects”.

Clicking the button opens a dialog box.
This dialog changes for each object that is selected.
Example, if you need to change the font color of your title, it is not possible in the standard toolbar.

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