Dreamweaver - CS3

Lesson 55: Insert Media Files (1)

55/58 Lessons 

Insert Sound Link

We have the ability to add sound to a Dreamweaver page.

A first possibility is to link the sound.

For this, first select the text or image you want to use as a link to the sound file.

In the properties window, click the folder icon next to the text “Link” to browse for the sound file or click and drag the “point to file” for the file in the “Files” panel.

If we look at this page in our Interner Explorer browser, it has a problem, if we view this in Firefox, however there is no problem.

But because most people still use Internet Explorer to surf the Internet, this is not a good solution.

Internet Explorer does well when we insert this file into our page.

First place the cursor at the location in your document where you want to insert the sound file.

Click the “Media” under the “Common” tab in the “Insert” toolbar.
Click the “Plugin” in the drop-down list.

Navigate to the file you want to insert and click the OK button.
Select the newly inserted file and set the width to 150 pixels.
This will display the sound controls in the browser.

By clicking on the “Parameters” button, we can set some parameters for our needs.
For example, with the “auto play” parameter setting, we can adjust whether or not we want to play the sound automatically.

For more information on parameters of the QuickTime plug-in, just surf to the Apple site.

Insert Movie Link

We can insert a movie link in our page.

First select the text or image you want to use as a link for the video.

In the properties window, click the folder icon next to the text “Link” to browse for the video file or click and drag the “Point to file” for the file in the”Files” panel.
Again the same problem in Internet Explorer to link a video file.
The movie file shows no problems when you are trying to play “.wmv” file. Quite logical when you know that the “.wmv” file is from Microsoft.
To insert video into your page, you work the same way as inserting sound.
To view the full controls of the video, add at least 16 pixels to the normal height of your movie.
For example, if the video clip dimensions are B160 H200, then set the dimensions as B160 H216 in the properties window.

To know the size a video clip, double click it so that it opens.
Click “Window” in the menu bar and select “Show Movie Info”.
At the bottom of the dialog box that appears, you see the dimensions.

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