Dreamweaver - CS3

Lesson 57: Make your site

57/58 Lessons 

Generate Reports

To publish our site on the Internet, it might be wise to test the contents of this first.

Click on the “Site” button in the menu bar and select “Reports”.

In the dialog box, you have choice of four options in the top “Report” box, from which you can view a report.

When you choose “Current document”, Dreamweaver will only check the current page.

The “Entire current local site” will check all documents in your site.

The “Selected files in site” will check all documents that are already published.

And the “folder”, will check the documents in the selected folder.

Because I have not have checked any, I choose the second option “Entire Current Local Site”.

In the top folder “Workflow”, we have three possibilities:

  1. Checked Out By:This applies only when several people worked on your site. Click the “Report Settings” button, enter the name of this person and then click OK to return to the Reports dialog box.
  2. Design Notes:This will create a report, listing all design notes, for the selected documents or the Site. Enter one or more name-value pairs and then select comparison values in the corresponding pop-up menus. Click
    OK to return to the Reports dialog box.
  3. Recently Modified:This will create a report for all the files modified between a given period. Enter a date range and the location of the files you wish to view.


In the second folder “HTML reports”, we have six possible selections:


  1. Combinable nested font tags:This will create a report listing all the nested font tags that can be combined to clean up the code.
  2. Accessibility:This will create a report that displays conflicts, between the content and accessibility guidelines, under section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1998.
  3. Missing alt. text: This will create report with all image tags with no alternate text. Alternate text is the text displayed instead of images, in the browsers which only display text or in browsers that specify that images can only be downloaded manually.
  4. Redundant nested tags: It creates a report detailing nested tags that can be removed.
  5. Removable empty tags: This will create a report with all empty tags that can be removed to clean up the HTML code. When you put in a picture and remove it in Code view, but the tags that apply on the item will still be present.
  6. Untitled documents: This will create a report of all untitled documents. Dreamweaver puts all the documents with a default name in this report, a name that already exists or missing title tags.

What interests me are only the last four options, I have never user the rest of them in all the years that I have worked with Dreamweaver. But hey, who am I?
Click the “Run” button when you’ve made your choice.

The report is displayed in the properties window.

This report lists all the files with the errors you wish to search in.

Double click the warning icon to the left of the “error” and this page is opened in a shared view, in which the “error” is selected.

This is handy, you do not have go looking for it, to correct it.
If you have corrected all the pages from the Results window, you can close this window by clicking the downward pointing arrow button and with peace of mind to sleep ;-).

If you are not sure, click the green arrow pointing to the right to re-check.

Check Links

What you should definitely do is, to check for the links.
There’s nothing more annoying for the visitor of your site, than clicking on a link that does not work properly.

Click on the “Site” button in the menu bar and select “Check Links Sitewide” or click the shortcut Ctrl + F8 on your keyboard.

This, not only checks the links in your site, but also checks the pages with no links. So a visitor can never reach this page if he does not know the correct address for this.

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