Dreamweaver - CS3

Lesson 58: Upload files to the server

58/58 Lessons 

Publish your work

Finally, after all the work you’ve done, you want to share this with the world to enjoy, all the world is perhaps somewhat exaggerated, but still your friends, if you have some or your customers.

All you need for this is a “Host”, which is a server where you can place your site.

You have a number of free hosts when you search on Google. But if you have a business, it is highly recommended to request for your own domain name, to rent it and place on a different server.

OK, now for publishing.

What we need to do is to connect your computer to the server.

Click on the “Site” button in the menu bar and choose “Manage Sites”.

Select the site and click the “Edit” button.

This opens the “Site Definition” dialog, in which the “Advanced” tab is selected ..

In the left part of the dialog box, select “Remote Infor”.

In the “Access”, choose FTP from the drop-down list.

The most common way to upload files to a server is via FTP, which is an abbreviation for File Tranfer Protocol.

This opens a number of options that we have to enter.

Because it differs from Host to Host, I can not say the thing you need to fill with 100% accuracy, but I will give some examples.

The best thing you can do is to ask your host, the one that you rented the server from.

In the “FTP host” is usually ftp.UserSite.be when you use the free space on the server of your provider, for Telenet it is users.pandora.be.

In the “host directory” type the directory in which everything must be uploaded. For most servers this is public_html, for Telenet, this is blank.

And then we have the “Username” and “Password”. This is different for everyone and quite rightly so.

Click the “Test” button to see if Dreamweaver can connect to the server.

In this case you will get the message below.
Click the OK button.
PS If this is not the case then you get the message that no connection can be done. Make sure everything is entered and try again. If you still can not connect, then you must contact the host for your site and ask him for this information.

All these options can remain as they are.
Click the OK button.

Dreamweaver gives you the message that the “cache” will be recreated.
Click the OK button.

To upload your site to the server, click the button at the top right of “Files” panel.

This opens a window that is divided into two parts.

The first thing you do is connect to the server (1).
Just click the “Connect to remote host” button.

This will display the list of the files, that are already on the server, in the left part of the window.
On the right hand side we see all the files and folders on the local site.

To see if all files and folders are uploaded to the server, select the top folder in the right part of the window, in this case “Site – Les_58 …” (2) and click the “Place files” (3 ) button.

A message appears asking if you want to put the whole site, click the OK button

This shows us a window where we can see the progress of placing our site on the server. If you have many pages and other files, this may take some time.

When Dreamweaver finishes everything on the server, view your site online.

If you later make a change in an existing page, you do not have to re-upload all files to your server. You select only the page where you made changes and you click the “Place files” button.


If this change is for placing an object in a page, eg a picture, this photo should also be uploaded into the correct folder of the server .

That’s it for this course!

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