The “Alignment” panel

With the “Alignment” panel, we can make quick and easy way of aligning objects that are located on the “Stage”.

To use “Alignment” menu, choose “Window” in the menu bar and click “Snap” in the drop-down menu.

When the “Alignment” is open, we have two possibilities.

We can align the selected objects together, or we can align selected objects with the “Stage”.

To switch between these two options, click the “Alignment work” button.

The “Alignment Stage” is a toggle button.

If you click it on or off, it will be turned on, and the objects are aligned with the “Stage”.

If you click it when it is on, it will be turned off and the objects are aligned with each other.

The three different sections:


“Align”: These six buttons can be used to align objects with each other on “Stage”, to the left, top right and center alignment.

“Distribute”: These six buttons can be used to distribute the selected objects in proportion to each other according to the top, bottom, left side, right side of the midline.

“Match size”: These three buttons can be used to give the same width, height and width to all selected objects.

“Divide“: We have the last two buttons. This allows us to split the selected objects the same distance, horizontally or vertically.

There is nothing much left to say except that, the only thing to remember is the “Alignment work.”

When it is on, you align objects with the “Stage”, when it is off, you align objects with each other.


Click on the “Free Transform” button

Now I still have some room left in this page and have told nothing about the “Free Transform” tool. I shall cite here a pen.

With the “Free Transform” tool, we can scale, rotate, and deform objects.

Select the object you want to change and click the “Free Transform” tool in the tool bar.

To scale an object, click and drag with the blocks on the edge of the selected object, and drag it to the proper location, so the required size is reached.

If you wish to change the proportion horizontally and vertically, hold the “Shift” key on your keyboard while you click and drag one of the blocks at an angle.

To deform an object, hold the mouse pointer over the edge of the selection rectangle, and when it changes into a double arrow, click and drag this until you have the correct form.

To rotate an object, hold the mouse pointer just next to a corner piece, and when it changes into a circle, click and drag it until you’ve reached the right angle.

To change the pivot point, click and drag the center (white circle) of the object to the right turn position.

Tip: When you get to turning the object, holding down the “Shift” key on your keyboard will continue to turn your object in a 45 ° angle jump.

You've completed Lesson 16