What is an Instant Movie?

Using the Instant Movies feature we create professional looking movies, complete with titles, soundtrack, effects and transitions in a simple step by step manner. When you are playing a movie Adobe Premiere Elements analyzes your clips, edits them and applies a theme of your choice. You can customize the theme with your own title and credits, and your own music or effects.

With the help of movie themes, we can create movies of a specific type.

You can choose from different themes. If you wish, you can apply all the properties in a theme or just a subset of the features available. You can create a theme for an entire series of images in the scene or the subject or you can apply this only to one clip.


Movie making:

Select the workspace “Organize” and click on “Instant Movie”

Select the clips you want included in the film.

If you already have clips in the Sceneline or the Timeline, you may start if you wish, or you can select additional clips.

Select a theme for your movie. If you want an example of a theme to be displayed, move your mouse over the thumbnail of the theme to see a description and click the “Play” button for a preview.
Click “Next”.

Specify the properties of your theme.
Click on Apply.


Applying a theme to an existing project

If you already have a project and you want to use a theme for the entire project or part of it, use the “Themes” displayed in the “Edit” tab.

When you change the theme, to apply it to the entire project, select No clips.

When the theme is to be applied to just a part of the project, select the clips you want to use in the theme.

In the Tasks pane, click “Edit” and then click “Themes”.

Select a theme and click “Next”.

Specify the theme properties to be displayed and click “Apply”.

  • Opening titles and closing titles: Opening and closing titles can be of multiple lines. For best results, use a rule.
  • Instant Movie: Indicates whether you want to perform an automatic operation, and which are the clips that are automatically cropped and added to the project based on their smart tags. This also indicates whether clips should be analyzed and smart tags are to be applied or not.
  • Apply to: Indicates whether you want to apply the theme to the entire project or only the clips you selected in the scene line the timeline.
  • Music Indicates whether you are using the theme music, or you have your own music or whether you are using no music at all. You can select multiple music clips, which are in the selected sequence.
  • Speed and intensity: Lets you adjust the speed and the volume effects. Click the triangle next to the Speed/Intensity option and then use the slider to adjust thespeed of the clips and you can adjust the intensities of the effects.
  • DurationLets you specify the length of the finished film.
    • With Music tune you can make a movie based on the length of the theme music.
    • With specify Duration you can specify the exact time specified by the number of hours, minutes and seconds.
    • With Use All clips you can make sure that all selected clips will be used and the duration is based on the duration of the clips.
  • Order Indicates whether the clips on the timeline are to be placed based on the duration of the clip, or according to the operation rules of the theme.
  • Theme content Indicates which aspects of the theme in the final film are included. Check or uncheck the desired options. If at some effects are already applied to some clips, you can keep the effects in operation, or remove them and use the theme effects instead.
  • Render Preview Allows you to preview the InstantMovie. Click the triangle next to the Render Preview option and select “Yes” to displaythe preview .

The advantage of Instant Movies and Themes is that Premiere does everything for you.
The disadvantage is that all your projects tend to be monotonous.
What is more fun than manually editing a movie.


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