Sharing videos

When we’ve created our film after finishing this course, we want to share it with others.
To do this, select the “Share” tab.

In the “Share” tab we have five options with which we can distribute our film.

“Disk”, “Online”, “PC”, “Mobile phones and players” and “Tape”.
For this last option you need to have a recorder connected to your computer.
I have no recorder, let alone it being connected to my computer.

Each of the previous options has its own set of options.
To explain all these different options and their associated options here is a bit too much.
What I can say is, if you select “Disk” you can burn the movie on one disk, or you can also burn it to a folder on your computer (1).

When you select PC you have several choices. You can save it as a Flash file, an AVI file, or different pictures in JPG files. Each has their own options (3).
The same holds good if you select “Mobile Phones”. Again here you have the option of specifying on which cell it has to be stored (4).

You have a lot of different options, each with their own options.
There are far too many to mention, and by the way, out of all these options I have used only two. That is uploading to YouTube and saving it to a disk.

That’s it for this course. I hope you’ve learned something.

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