The different types of images:

Before I continue with GIMP, let me first talk about the different types of images.
There are basically two types of images: bitmap and vector.

An example of a bitmap image is a photograph, and a sample of a vector image is a drawing. In GIMP, we can only work with bitmap images.


Vector images are made up of loose items. Each object has several properties such as color, fill and stroke type. Vector files are, in contrast to bitmap images, are resolution independent. This helps every scaling of the image to reach the highest quality.


An example will make this clear.


Vector illustration

Bitmap Image

The difference is clear when you zoom in to the image.

In the vector image everything stays clear (1).
The bitmap image is displayed with blocks (2), which we call pixels.

Because GIMP cannot make vector-images with the available options, nor with a pencil or brush, you will deal with bitmap images can be created with these options .

Now that we all know this we can go on with GIMP.

You've completed Lesson 5