The navigation pane

We find the navigation panel in the “Library” module and also in the “Develop” module.   Both are just the same.

To open the Navigation panel, click the downward pointing arrow, next to the “Navigator” on the left of the window (1).

In the navigation panel we have the ability to zoom into the picture (2).

The part of the picture that is shown in the picture window is shown in a gray box in the navigation pane. The more you are zoomed in, the smaller the box.

If you click and drag with your cursor in this gray framework, you can create different parts of the picture.

The same is accomplished by placing the pointer in the image and clicking and dragging.

Clicking on the “Fit” will display the picture as a whole again.

To zoom in on a point you click in the pictures, you need to make a change in the “Preferences” dialog.

Just click the “Edit” button in the menu bar and select “Preferences” from the drop-down menu.

In the window that appears, check the box “Zoom clicked point to center”.

When you move the mouse pointer over the thumbnail, it will be displayed in the navigation pane (1).

When you move the mouse pointer between the display window and the filmstrip, it changes into a double arrow (2). Click and drag it up or down, then it changes the size of the thumbnail views.

Grid View and Loupe View

In the library we have two types of views.

You have the “Grid View” (1) and you have the “Loupe” (2).

The “grid” view shows all imported photos. The “Loupe” view only displays the selected photo in the thumbnail view.

If you wish to display the information (3) such as dimensions in the Grid view, click the J key on your keyboard.

If you want to hide this information in “Loupe” view, click the i button on your keyboard.

If you wish to modify the information that appears, click the “View” button in the menu bar and select “View Options” in the drop-down menu.  This opens the dialog “Library View Options”, with two tabs.

One for the “Grid View” and the other for the “Loupe”.

In both tabs you determine what information you wish to see.

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