Add Keywords

We add keywords to our images, so we can later filter on a certain topic easily.
We have several ways to add keywords to our images.
One way is while importing the photos into Lightroom.
The disadvantage or advantage of this, is that all the photos you import, have the same keywords.
A second way is in the Library view.
Select the imported photo (s) and add keywords in the “Keywords” box.
And a third way is to select the photo (s) in the Filmstrip and type in keywords, or select the keyword. A keyword is automatically created when you add it.
If you wish to find a picture by a theme, you only need to type the keyword or keywords in the search box.
You can search for text, attribute and metadata.
Text on keywords, including the classification feature that you’ve given to your photo (s), meta data including the dates when these were taken and the camera with which they were taken.


In Lightroom, we have the “Keyword” (1).
A keyword consists of up to nine keywords.
In the example below, the set of “Recent keywords” is selected (2). These are, as you might you think, the most recent words added by you.
The keyword or keywords, (3) already allocated to the selected photo (4) are shown in white (5).
Click the double arrow to change the set (1).
As you notice Lightroom comes with three standard keyword sets.
“Wedding Photography”, “Outdoor photography” and “Portrait Photography” (2).
We can change all these sets or we can create a new set of keywords.
Click the option “Edit Set” in the drop-down menu.
In the dialog that appears, change the keywords.
If you are done, click the “Change” button.
If you wish to create a new set of keywords, click the downward pointing arrow next to the box “Preset” and click the “Save Current Settings As New Preset”.
Give the set a name and click the OK button.

The next time you return to the pop-up menu to open keyword sets, you see that your set is added to the list.

Keywords Painter

Another way to add keywords is by the “Painter” tool.
The tool is used if you want to add one or more keywords to multiple photos.
Select the tool (1).
Type one or more keywords in the “enter keywords here” box (2) and click the photos you wish to provide these keywords (3).
If you are ready, click the “Done” button (4).
If you have the keywords assigned to a picture that should not have them, hold the Alt key on your keyboard pressed and click this picture again.
You can also paint with “Labels”, “Flags”, “Settings” and so on.
Just click the double arrow next to the “Apply” (5) and select the option you want.

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