The Tasks window

The tasks directory helps us to keep track of our jobs, and to remind us what tasks remain to be performed, and what has already been implemented.
In XP and 2000 versions, the tasks also appear in “Day view” of our calendar.
In this lesson we will see how we can assign tasks to ourselves and colleagues.
When you use Outlook 2003, open the tasks folder by clicking on the “Tasks” in the navigation panel.
When you work with the versions XP or 2000, click “Tasks” folder in Outlook in the Outlook Bar.


The tasks are displayed in a list on the right, if one has entered the end date.
Tasks performed are underlined and tasks that you’re late, are shown in red.
Each task has a box on the left and you can tick it when you have finished the task.
This does not remove the task from our list, this only underlines the task.
To delete a task, we must select the task, and press the “Delete” key on our keyboard.
To open the task in detail, double click the task.
To close this window click the X in the upper right corner of the window.

Change Tasks view

We have different views to view our task list.
The default view in Outlook is “Simple List”.
To change the view, click on “View” – “Arrange by” – “Current View” in the menu bar, in Outlook 2003.
For versions 2000 and XP, select “View” – “Current View” in the menu bar.
For both cases, a drop-down menu appears.


Printing Tasks



To print our tasks we click the “Print” button on the Standard toolbar, or choose “File” – “Print” in the menu bar.

Choose a printer and print style.
Select the “Number of pages”, “Number of copies”, and “Range”.
Click OK when you’re happy with your settings.

Sorting Tasks

We can sort our tasks in the same way as we sort our emails in the Inbox folder, simply by clicking on the column title to sort the field.


Create and delete tasks

If you want to create a new task, click the “New” button in the standard toolbar, or double-click an empty row in the list.
The “Task” dialog appears:


In the “Subject” type a little description for the task.
If you have a deadline for the task, click the arrow pointing downward next to the “end date” box, and select the date.
Do the same for the start date.
Choose a status for your task in the “Status”, which is the best description of the status for the task.
Choose a priority that best fits your task.
Give a rough estimate of the amount of work on this task that has already been completed.
Select the “Reminder” box when you want to get a reminder of the task you must accomplish. To do this, select a date and time.
Additional information concerning the task is given in the text box.
You click the “Contacts” button when you want to associate this task with one or more persons.
You click the “Categories” button when you want to associate this task with one or more categories.
If you set someone as a delegate for your email account, and you have given him access to your calendar, but do not think that he should see this task, check the box marked “Private”.
Click “Save and Close” in the Standard toorlbar when you’re happy with your settings.

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