Office 2007 - Excel

Lesson 6: Excel Basics

6/83 Lessons 

A new workbook

To create a new file, click the Office Button, top left of the application window, choose “New” from the drop-down menu, and click the “Create” button at the bottom right of the dialog box that appears.

This opens a new workbook. A file in Excel is called a workbook.
When we create a new workbook, it is always named “Book 1”.
This is the default name, Excel provides. The name of the workbook is placed in the Title bar.
When you save the file in Excel, you can change it to a more appropriate name.

Rename Worksheets

A new workbook has by default three worksheets: Sheet 1, Sheet 2 and Sheet 3.
These can be given more appropriate names by double-clicking the tab, and typing the name you want.

Changing tab color

We can change the color of the tabs of a workbook in two ways.
The first is by selecting “Format” tab in the “Ribbon”, and selecting “Tab Color”.
The second is by right-clicking the worksheet and selecting “Tab Color”.
In both cases click the color you want to set for the tab of the worksheet.
You can choose from “Theme Colors”, “Standard Colors”, “No Color”, and ‘More colors”.

Insert and delete worksheets

If you wish to have multiple worksheets, click the “Insert Worksheet” button. This is a new feature in “Excel 2007”.

We can perform these actions, “Insert worksheet” and “Rename” worksheet, in different ways, but believe me, these are the quickest.

To delete a worksheet, right click the worksheet, and select “Delete” from the  pop-up menu.





To change the place of a worksheet, for example, if you want to change sheet 1 and sheet 3, click and drag the worksheet to the desired location.


“Show” or “Hide” one or more worksheets

To hide a worksheet, right click the worksheet, and select “Hide” from the pop-up menu.
If you want to hide multiple worksheets, first select all the worksheets you want to hide.

To view the worksheets, right click again on a visible worksheet, and select “Unhide”.
Choose the hidden worksheet in the dialog box that you want to view, and click OK.
You can unhide worksheets sheet by sheet..


“Move or Copy” Worksheet

To change the order of the worksheets , click and drag the worksheet to the desired location, release the mouse button when you’re satisfied.

To copy a worksheet do exactly the same, but keep your Ctrl key on your keyboard down.

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