Adding pages

We have seen how to remove pages in the previous lesson.
Adding pages is also quite simple.
To do this, select the “Insert a Page …” option found in the task pane below the “Website Options” tab.
Attention! The page will be inserted after the selected page, so in this case, it is inserted after the first page.

When you click on the “Insert Page …” button, the “Insert Web page” dialog box is opened.
In this dialog box, select the type of page you want to insert, and select the “Add hyperlink to navigation bars” check box.

If you click on “More”, a second dialog box opens, where multiple options can be specified, which seem quite clear to me.

Click OK, when you’re done.

The new page is inserted after page 1, which was selected.
The button is also added to the “Navigation bar”.


In “Publisher”, the space in your page where a picture is placed is called a “Placeholder”.
To change it to your picture, select the placeholder in the page.
The “Image toolbar” appears.
Click on the “Insert Picture” button, navigate to the image you want to insert, and click on the “Insert” button.

You've completed Lesson 25