Mail Merge (1):

Just as in “Word 2010”, in “Outlook”, we have the option of merging a contact address with a letter, envelopes and mailing labels.

The first thing to do is to determine the “Columns” that are to be included in our mailing labels. In other words, we need to remove the redundant “Columns” and add the ones that are necessary.

To remove “Columns”, right-click the “Column” title and select the “Remove this column” option.


To add “Columns”, right-click on any “Column” title and select the “Field chooser” option.


This opens the “Field Chooser” list, from where you can drag the necessary “Columns” to the “Title bar”.


Now that we have the necessay “Columns” that are to be merged, we can proceed.


First select the addresses that you wish to use.  To select all addresses, click on the upper address, keep the shift key on your keyboard pressed, drag the selection till you reach the last address. To de-select adjacent addresses, press the Ctrl key.
Once all addresses are selected, click the “Mail Merge” button .


To be continued in the next lesson

You've completed Lesson 16