Office 2010 - PowerPoint

Lesson 28: “SmartArt” (2)

28/59 Lessons 

Insert Text

When we have inserted “SmartArt” into our slide, we see a text window to the left of the “SmartArt” graphic.

To add text, we have two options.
You can type text in the placeholder text boxes in the text window, or you can type text directly in the placeholder text boxes of the “SmartArt” object.
Select the text box where you want to add text by clicking on it, and start to type.


Enter your text into a text box in the text window and it will appear immediately in the “SmartArt” graphic.
Typing your text in a text box in the “SmartArt” graphic will appear immediately in the text window.


You can change the shape of a “SmartArt” object by selecting the object, clicking “Change Shape” under the “Format” tab in the “Ribbon”.

You can add images to a “SmartArt” graphic by clicking the icon in the dialog. Obviously you’d then have to choose one of the “SmartArt” with an image.



You can add text boxes to your “SmartArt”.
To do this, select the text in the text box and click the “Enter” key on your keyboard.

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