Office 2010 - PowerPoint

Lesson 34: “Picture” (2)

34/59 Lessons 

Text Format

Now that we have the whole layout of the text in the right box, we need not repeat it for the left box. We will copy them.
Select the formatted text (1).  Click the “Format Painter” button and click “Copy” button above this button in the “Ribbon” (2).
Move the mouse pointer over the left box (3), you see that this is changed to a “paint brush”, then click “Paste” button.



The format of the right box is applied to the text in the left box.



Removing Background

What I still want to talk about is, the new feature in “PowerPoint” 2010 called “Remove Background”.

It’s an easy job when you know how to use it. If not, it can sometimes get on your nerves.

As an example, I have inserted a picture of a young lady with a banana on a gray background .

With the picture selected, click the “Remove Background” button.

As far as possible, “PowerPoint” will try to guess what we want to keep and what we can remove. That which shows in purple, will be removed (1), i.e that which is transparent, will be retained (2).
If it is not the case, we can very well start and can go a long way by dragging the blocks on the edge of the “Remove Background” frame (3).

This is the result just by dragging with the blocks.

We can get a bit of help by using the “Mark Areas to keep” and “Mark Areas to delete” buttons in the image.
Which button to click where, you will know for sure.
When you are ready, click the “Keep Changes” button.


Is it looking good?  Certainly, it’s a presentation program and not a photo editing program.  If you’re wondering how come it is suddenly facing the other side, I simply selected the photo and dragged the block on the right edge to the left .

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