Office 2010 - PowerPoint

Lesson 38: “Video” (2)

38/59 Lessons 

Insert “Video from Website”

In “PowerPoint” 2010, we have the opportunity to insert a movie that we have published on a website such as “YouTube”, into a slide.


Very easy.   You choose the “Insert” tab, click the “Video” button and then choose “Video from Website”.  In the dialog that appears, paste the source url that you received from “YouTube” when you published the movie.


As with the “Video from file” we can also add a “Poster frame”. Obviously not a frame from the video, but only an image.
In this slide, you will see that the video clip that is still posted on “YouTube”, plays perfectly into your presentation.


For those who might not know where to find the source url from “YouTube”, login to your account at “YouTube”, navigate to the movie you want to insert into “PowerPoint” 2010.
Under the movie, click on the “Embed” and copy and paste the code that appears.
Check the “Old embed code” box.



PS If you have published a video on any site, then copy this source code into the dialog box in “PowerPoint”.

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