Office 2010 - PowerPoint

Lesson 51: “Print” Presentation

51/59 Lessons 

“Print” slides

To print slides, we need to go to the “Backstage” view of “PowerPoint”.

If you have forgotten how to go there, click the “File” tab in the “Ribbon” and choose the “Print” button in the “Backstage” view.

On the right side of the window, we find a “Print Preview” (1).
Under the preview we have a navigation bar (2) with which we can navigate to the different slides.


In the middle of the window we have some options.  The first two are, “Print” and “Printer” are pretty clear. If this is not so for you, with the first, we print the presentation by clicking the “Print” button and we give the number of copies that we want.  The second option is to choose a printer that you want to print the presentation with. If are you, like me, and have the printer installed on your computer, the choice is quickly made.


Under the “Settings” section we have four options.  With the first option, we determine whether we want to print “Print All Slides”, “Print Current Slide” or “Custom Range”.

When you opt for the later, a valid page range is the slide numbers separated with commas, with no spaces or dashes, when you try to print a range.


In the next option, “Full Page Slides”, choose the number of slides you want to print on one page


With the “Collated” option, we determine the order of printing of the slides.

The next option of “Portrait” or “Landscape” seems clear.


Then we have the “Color”, which seems clear to me.


Click the “Print” button when you finish the settings.

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