Office 2010 - Word

Lesson 45: Merge (4)

45/66 Lessons 

Inserting a “Greeting Line”:

To add a “Greeting line”, place the cursor at the location in your document where you’d like to have it.
Click the “Greeting Line” button under the “Mailings” tab in the ribbon.
This opens the “Insert Greeting Line” dialog box:

Here also, we have some options that can be set.

All of them are quite obvious, so I need not explain much about them.
Specify your preferences, and click the OK button.
The “Greeting Line” appears in the place where your cursor was.

Viewing Results:

Before we complete the merge, it is, perhaps, better to take a look at the result.
Just click the “Preview Result” button under the “Mailings” tab in the ribbon.
When this button is clicked, “Word” displays the first record from the table in our document.
You can navigate between the different records by clicking the “First Record”, “Previous record”, “Next Record “and” Last record ” buttons.
Click again on “Preview Results” to close the preview window.

Checking for errors:

The last step before we complete the merge, is to check whether we have made any mistakes.
Just click the “Auto check for errors” button

This opens the “Checking and reporting errors” dialog box with three options.

All the options seems clear to me, and need no further explanation.

Click the OK button.

Finishing the merge:

Once we have looked at the result, and the combination of errors have been checked, we can complete the merge.
Just click the “Finish merge” button under the “Mailings” tab in the ribbon.
This gives us a drop-down menu with three options.

“Edit individual documents” : If you select this option, you have the option of merging all the records, the current record which is the record that is currently displayed in our document, or specific records.
Click the OK button when you have made your selection.


“Print documents” : This has the same features as the option explained above.
Click the OK button in the Print dialog box.
Click OK again.

“Send E-mail messages…”: This option allows us to send the document to the E-mail address of the recipient.
For this you must, of course, also include an e-mail field in your table.


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