Miscellaneous - ProShowProducer

Lesson 14: Show 11: Using built-in layer styles

14/65 Lessons 

In this lesson we will learn about how to edit, enhance and move layers. This application has many features as you shall see. ProShow Producer has a standard number of what are called “styles” that are included when you install the application.
We discuss this in detail, here.

Where are the styles available?

Open [Slide Options] and select [Slide]- [Slide Styles].


Click [Slide Options]- [Slide]- [Slide Styles]

This gives the following window:

What do we see in this window?

Slide Styles:

  • Categories:

The styles are divided into categories, similar to folders. In the dropdown menu you can select one.

  • Layers

Depending on the number of layers that you used in your slide you can select a style from the drop down menu to be applied on the selected layers.
This is the pull-down menu:

  • Aspect Ratio

To determine the size of the slide select the aspect ratio that is equal to the size of your screen.
It will indicate this selection as follows:

  • Show thumbnails in list

The first option allows the styles to be displayed as thumbnails in a list.


  • Show simple list

The 2nd option just gives the name of the styles in the list.

Action buttons

At the top you will see this


In the small window you can see a sample of the chosen style. Next to it you can see its details. Below this you have a pause button and arrows to select the previous or next style from the list.

  • Set Slide Times:

When selecting a style ProShow gives the best times for the slide duration and transition time. These can be edited.

  • [Apply] button

If you wish to confirm a selction, click [Apply]. You will then get the usual warning.

“Are you sure you want to apply the selected style slide and lose any changes you made to your slide.”
You can simply ignore this and click [OK].

  • [Create]

This opens a screen that allows you to create your own styles and save them.

  • [Manage styles]

With this option you can manage the styles. We will discuss this later.



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