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Lesson 22: Show 18: Copying slides to a Layer

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This is a practice wherein a number of slides are used in a layer.


New show

  • Create a new show titled “Show 18_Open door” by clicking [File]- New Show, changing the title in the Show Title text box of the popup menu to “Show 18_Open door” and setting the aspect ratio at 4:3. Then click [Create].


Dragging Photos and Videos to the slide list

  • Drag the photos “Forest” and “Sunset” and the video, “Clouds”, to the slide list as layers.


Tip: Placing a Photo in the slide list by double-clicking

Besides the option of dragging a picture you can also use double-clicks to send it to the slide list. This does not work for videos and music. Double-click opens a movie or a music track that you can see or hear.


Additional layers

  • Drag the photo “Open Door” as a layer on the 1st picture.


Movement insertion

  • Double-click the first slide and select the [Effects]- [Motion Effects]. Select the layer “Forest” and slide the [Zoom] from 110% to 95%.


Copying Layers to other slides

  • The layer “Open Door”, can also be used on the 2 other slides. The method to copy is as follows: Select the layer, right click and select [Copy] and then [Copy to All Slides].


Motion in the 2nd photo

  • We also bring a bit of movement in the 2nd photo. Select the second slide and select the layer “Sunset”. Set the [Pan] to 14 x 25 x 15 and slide the [Zoom] from 100% to 130%.
  • The 3rd slide is left as it is. Close this menu by clicking the [OK] button.


Saving the show

  • Saving the show done by selecting [File]- Save As. With the explorer, select the appropriate folder. Change the File Name to “Show 18_Open door” and click [Save].


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