Form Move

When you draw a shape, whether a merged form or an object that does not matter, you have the option to have a border, a fill, or both.

To move a shape when it is drawn as an object, click and drag it to the desired position with the tool “Select”. Whether this form now has a fill color, an edge or both, that does not matter, this is an object and it will be treated similarly.

However, if you have drawn a composite form that has a fill and a border, you must double-click the fill color of the form so that everything is selected, both the fill and the rim, only then can you move the whole mess.

If you wish only to the fill color to move, click and drag it to the desired position.

If you wish only the edge to move, select the double-edge, click and drag it to the desired position.


Edit Shape

To modify a form click and drag the edge of the form.

Any soft form it is, an object or a composite form.

You also have the option of a number of settings of the selected picture in the “Properties Window” to change.

At the top we find the position of the illustration on the “Stage” (1).

The X position shows the number of pixels that the selected picture is located from the left edge of the “Stage”.

The Y position indicates the number of pixels that the selected picture is located from the upper edge of the “Stage”.

Among them we can find the width and the height of the selected picture (2).

To change these settings you have two options.
1. Clicking the number of the option you want to change, and when it turns into an edit box type the new value.
2. Clicking the mouse pointer below the number you want to change, and when your mouse pointer becomes a double arrow, click and drag to the right or left.

Below that we have the setting for stroke color (3), or border color, call it what you want. To change, click the colored block, this opens the color picker where a different color can be selected by clicking, or to select no color press the middle button, above the color selector button or a transparency set for the color you’ve chosen (we call this “Alpha”). This happens the same way than setting ‘height’ and ‘Width’ in the “Properties window”.

A setting of 100% “Alpha” color becomes completely opaque, in other words you cannot look through it.

A setting of 0% “Alpha” the button “More colors” appears. This opens a second color window where you can set your own custom color.

You must have the RGB color code for this feature.

The same applies for the fill (4), so I will not repeat.

Under the section “Fill and color” we find the settings for the “Zone” or “Edge” (5), call it what you want.

This is set by you, or button on the slider left or right, or by typing a value into the textbox.

And finally we have the style of the border.
Default is set to “Smooth”, but by clicking on the downward pointing arrow, we can change it into another type, such as “interrupted”, “dotted”, and a few others.

All these seem to be quite clear, so we continue with the next lesson.


You've completed Lesson 8