Insert Diagrams

In 2003 and XP versions, we can add “Charts” by clicking on “Insert Chart” in the “Drawing toolbar”, or choosing “Insert” in the menu bar and clicking “Chart “.
This opens the “Diagram Gallery”.


We select a type, and click OK.
The “Diagram” is inserted into our slide.
When the “Diagram” is selected, we see the “Toolbar” of the diagram.


By clicking on the individual elements of the diagram we can customize the text.
To move the diagram, click and drag the edge of the diagram to where you want it.
To minimize the size of the diagram, we click and drag to change one of the circles at the border of the diagram.


If you do not see this, click “Layout” – “Scale Organization Chart” in the “Diagram toolbar”.


We can also select individual elements of the diagram, and they are changed in the same way.

The use of the diagram toolbar

The “Diagram toolbar” is dynamic and its appearance depends on the diagram that you have chosen.
Usually you will find an “Insert Shape” button here that we can click to choose another type of diagram. We also have a “Layout” button where we can determine layout of the diagram.
And the “Auto Format” on the far right of the “Toolbar” where we can choose from some nice views:


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