Save a presentation

Now that we created a “Presentation” in this course, we want to “Save” it.
When we “Save” a file, we need to know where we are going to “Save” the file, ie in which folder.

This is useful when we want to open this file later.

First we ensure that the file is open and that the file is active.

We can then “Save” the file in several ways:

The first way is, click on “File” in the menu bar and select “Save As … ”

In the dialog that appears, choose the folder where you want to “Save”, give the file a name and click “Save”.
The second way is, you can also click the “Save” button Image03 in the “Standard toolbar”.
Choose the folder where you want to “Save”, give the file a name and click “Save”.

Once the file is saved, we can of course “Save” it in the future after some changes, but we dont need to specify a name again.

Lock / unlock A presentation

In order to close a “Presentation” we click the X in the upper right corner of our “Presentation”.
This is exclusive for the “Presentation” that is selected, but, if there are other “Presentations” that are open, they remain open.

If we had make changes, Windows will ask us whether we want to “Save”.
If we want to close the whole application we click the X in the red box at the top right of the “Title bar”.

To open a “Presentation”, we can double-click on the “Presentation”.
Or we first open “PowerPoint”, choose “File” (“File“) from the menubar and select “Open”.

Package for CD (Pack and Go)

With the “Package for CD” command (version 2003) or “Pack and Go” command in previous versions, we can see the entire “Presentation”, including fonts, linked files, etc. on a CD.
We click on “File” in the menu bar and select “Package for CD”.
This opens the “Package for CD” dialog.


Here we type a name for our folder in which we want to place in the CD .
We can store multiple files on the CD by clicking the “Add Files” button.
Clicking the “Options” button gives us several options including setting a password for our “Presentation”. We can even install “PowerPoint Viewer” on the CD so that people who do not have “PowerPoint” installed on their PC can still see the “Presentation”..


In the ’97, 2000 and XP versions, we use the command “Pack and Go”.
We opt for this by clicking “File” in the menu bar and selecting “Pack and Go” (“Pack and Go“)
This opens the “Pack and Go Wizard” dialog.


After going through all the pages, click the “Finish” button.

Saving Presentation as a Web Page (2000, XP and 2003)

Although “PowerPoint” is not intended to create pages for the web, we can make an HTML page of our “Presentation” to put it on the web.
Normally we use buttons or other hyperlinks, but if it is only to show the “Presentation” to those who visit our Site, it is not difficult.


With the “Presentation” open, we select “File” from the menu bar and select “Save as Web Page “.
“Save” the “Web page” in a folder you want.
Double click the HTML page you just saved, to see it in your web browser.

Now to see the page as a web page we need to upload the corresponding files to the server.
We make use of an “FTP program” (eg “Cute FTP”, “WS FTP”, or something similar).
And Voila!: click here

This is the same for “PowerPoint” ’97, we just need through a dialog box and enter answers to to a set of questions.

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