Tear off tabs

The new feature in IE 9 is that you have the opportunity to tear off tabs.

Click and drag any link into a tab (1).

This places the tab in its own window (2).

If you want to post it later as a tab in the previous window, click and drag it back to the tabs of the previous window.

Tab in your taskbar

You even have the option to lock a page on the Windows 7 taskbar.

Click and drag this tab from the Browser window to the taskbar of Windows 7.

Grouping and ungrouping Tabs

Tab groups were introduced in IE8, but they are much more improved in IE9.

The advantage of grouping tabs is that you have several tabs that go together, but they can be easily distinguished from one another.

For example, you can put all pages of Swotster.com in one group, and all pages such as facebook in another group.

Different groups have different color.

To open a link in the same group of tabs, click the link while holding the “Ctrl key” on your keyboard pressed.

To start a new group, click the button “New Tab” or click the shortcut “Ctrl + T” on your keyboard.

If you want to change a tab group, click and drag it to the other group.

If you right click on a tab in a group you have several options.

The first option you would find is to “close tab”.

The next option would be “close the tab group”.

You will see a lot of other obviouse options. You would find many options in addition to close the right-clicked tab that is currently open.

Just for information:

When you duplicate a tab, IE9 will place this in a new group.

If you have closed a tab, IE9 will reopen it in its original group.

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