What is Mask Pro?

Mask Pro is a plug-in for Photoshop, to mask a shared photo.
For those who might not know what a plug-in is.
A plug-in is an addition to any software, in this case Photoshop.
For those who might not know what masking is.
Masking is a process by which parts of a picture can be selected and removed.
An example of this is the background from a photo, or the hair of one person in the photo. We use the mask option for this.
We can of course do this in Photoshop itself, but it is easier when we use the “Mask Pro” plug-in.
Mask Pro plug-in can be used in Photoshop CS3, CS4, CS5 and Photoshop Elements 7, 8 and 9.
Mask Pro is not free, and currently costs $ 100 (70 Euro).
Is this worth the money?
If you regularly perform the above mentioned operations in Photoshop, I must answer yes for this.
Will I buy this? No.
Why do I say this then?
It’s just a good and easy plug-in when you need to perform these operations, especially when you work with Photoshop CS3, CS4 and Photoshop Elements.
In CS5 is masking improved quite a bit and so I would buy it.
Of course you can always try. You can try it for free for 30 days and then decide if you want it or not.

You can download and Mask Pro 30 day trial at:

Install Mask Pro

When you surf to the address above, it takes you to visit the site below.
Click the “Try It Free”. This lets us try the plug-in for free for 30 days and then we can buy it if we are satisfied.

After clicking the button you will be shown a form where you enter your data.
After clicking the “Submit” button, a link to download the plug-in is e-mailed to the given email address.

Save this file somewhere like your desktop and double click this file.
For your information:
Photoshop must be closed before you can install the plug-in.
So if you opened Photoshop, first close it and then the double click the plug-in.

It starts the installation Wizard for the plug-in.
This wizard consists six or seven number of windows, and each window has the “Next” button.
If you have completed this whole Wizard and open the Photoshop then, you will find this plug-in under the “Filter” button (1) in the menu bar, “onOne” (2) in the drop-down menu and “Mask Pro” (3 ).

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