Create / Remove  Account

In earlier versions of Outlook, we had to enter a lot of information to create an email account, in Outlook 2007 its a piece of cake.
To add an e-mail account, click the “Tools” in the menu and select “Account Settings” in the drop-down menu.
This opens the “Account Settings” dialog box.
Click the “New” button.


In the second window the option is already selected, so click the “Next” button.
In the third window of the Wizard, type the name on the account in the first box.
In the second box, type the email address.
And in the third and fourth box, type the password and confirm password for this email address.
Click the “Next” button.
Outlook will try to connect to the mail server.
Once this is done the e-mail account will be added to the list.

For any reason if Outlook does not automatically connect to the mail server, you can still manually enter the data by checking the “Manually Configure Server Settings” box.
Click the “Next” button, click next again, type the desired data manually in each box, and click “Finish”.

The new account is created.
To remove an account you open the “Account Settings” dialog again, select the account you wish to delete from the list, and click the “Remove” button.

If you have multiple email accounts set your Primary e-mail address as your default e-mail address for sending an e-mail.
If you want to change this, select the account, and click the “Set as Default” button.
This e-mail will appear at the top of your list.

When we want to send a new e-mail, we see that the “Account” button has been added under the “Send” button.
Clicking on the downward pointing arrow next to the “Account” button opens a drop-down menu with all our accounts from which we can choose an account to send the email from.
Default email account is obviously selected to send the email.


You've completed Lesson 8