The heading “Share”

After we have organized and edited our photos, we can share them with others.

We have a number of ways.

The first thing I want to explain to you is the “Share” button.

You find this button at the top right of the workspace when a folder or album is selected in the Folder List.

We use this button when we want to upload all the pictures in a folder or album to Picasa Web Albums and invite friends to the online album to view pictures. Photos that you upload to Picasa Web Albums can be up to 20MB in size.

The prerequisite to upload photos to a Picasa Web Albums is a Google Account. If you do not have it, then you should create it first.

Just click the link “Click here for more information” if you wish to do so.

If you already have a Google account, enter your username and password, and click the “Register” button.

Picasa will upload the photos and videos that are located in the folder to your Picasa Web Albums account.

When finished, click the button “View online”.

If you wish that images edited by Picasa images are displayed directly in your web album, you can switch the synchronization function. This is done by clicking the downward pointing arrow button right next to “Share” button, and selecting “Enable sync”.
Repeat if you want to disable this synchronization feature, or click the button “Disable Sync” on the left of the “Share” button.


The second option to share our pictures with others is the “Upload” button.

You can find this at the bottom of the Photo Tray beside all other buttons.

You use this button if you want to upload selected photos to the Picasa Web Album.

First place the photos you want to upload in the Photo Tray and click the button “Upload”.

Again, you’ll need to log in with your Google Account.

Select one of your existing online albums or click ‘New’ to create a new album.

When you choose a new album, you give it an ‘Album Title’ or ‘Description’ for any changes.

Select the desired upload size.

For the visibility of the album we have three options:

‘Public’ is accessible to anyone who knows the URL of your public gallery.

‘Unlisted’ is only accessible to those who have the URL with the authentication key.

‘To display login required’, use it when you want the highest level of privacy to your album.

You decide who has permission to view the album and visitors must sign in to their Google Account to verify their identity.

Click the Upload button. The Upload Manager displays the status of the upload.

When the upload is complete, click the “View Online” button to view the online album in your browser.


We use this button to quickly send a few pictures to friends and/or family, using the email provider of your choice.


The “Print” button opens a dialog box with several options that all seem very clear to me.

Picasa will automatically adjust the selected photos in the set options.


The “Store” will open a dialog with a list of online suppliers where we can order prints. Picasa automatically uploads all selected photos, that you wish to order prints for, to the website of the print provider.


We use the ‘Export’ in Picasa to save copies of our edited photos. During this process, you can give the destination on your computer for your exported photos and specify the image size plus the quality of the exported files.

Select the photos.

Click the “Export” button.

In the dialog “Export to Folder ‘, select the desired export settings:
1. Choose a destination location.
2. Choose an image format.
3. Choose an image quality.

With the setting “image format”, you can resize the original photo or use the slider to select a custom pixel size. The number of pixels you select with this slider determines the length or height of your photo.

With the setting “image quality”, select the desired image quality of the picture with the drop-down menu:
Automatic: the original image quality
‘Normal’: quality and size are balanced
Maximum: Preserves fine detail for large file
Minimum: Yields some quality loss for small file
Custom: you can select your own values

If you want to add a watermark to your photos, select this check box, and type the text you want as a watermark in your photos.

Click the OK button when you’re done.

You've completed Lesson 12