Photoshop - CS4

Lesson 49: Text Layers (3)

49/84 Lessons 

 Path type (2)

Now the path is drawn, we type our text.
Select the text tool (1) and move the mouse pointer over the path.

When it changes into a somewhat strange shape (3), click.

After you have clicked an insertion point on the path, type your text and you will see that the text willl neatly follow the path.

When we clicked on the path, we see a starting point and an ebd point appear.

If you want the text to start to the left, drag the point left with the “Path Selection” tool (2). If you want this more to the right, drag it to the right.

1. When we drag the starting point down, below the path, then the text is also positioned below the path and it will be reversed.
2. When we drag the starting point so far to the right that the text can not fully be displayed on the path, a plus sign will appear in the endpoint.Image1

If you wish to change the shape of the path, select the “Direct Selection” tool (5) in the toolbar and click the path. You will also find this tool under the “Path Selection”. Click and drag the handles that appear on each anchor point in the path (6).Image2

The formatting of text on a path, you do the same way as you do for other text.

If you want to move the text on a path, select the “Move” tool and click and drag it to the desired position. The text and path remain together.

Closed path

As I mentioned earlier, we can draw an open path, which we have just seen, and a closed path.
We draw a closed path with the shape tools in the tool bar.
First select the shape tool in the tool bar. No matter what.
In this example I’m going for the ‘Oval’ tool (1).
You select the “Paths” in the options bar (2).
Then select the text tool (3), move the mouse pointer over the path and click it when it changes.
Then type in the text.
It’s actually exactly the same as an open path. Also the text will position itself on the path.

Fill Path

Another thing we can do is, instead of making the text to follow the path, fill the path with text.

Very simple, make a closed path and then click in the path, not on the path.

This places the cursor in the path.

Type your text and Photoshop will neatly fill it within the edges of the path.

You've completed Lesson 49